Ruby received another blanket yesterday. This one is a handmade quilt — the second we’ve received from a relative of a friend that we’ve never met. Apparently, quilters have a hard time finding people to give their quilts to. Ironically, Ruby’s Nana has taken up quilting as a hobby since retirement, and I’m sure she’d love to get in on the quilt-giving action.
Ruby has now received six hand-made blankets since birth. Believe it or not, each one gets used. There’s the upstairs-play blanket, the downstairs-play blanket, the other-peoples-houses-play blanket, the make-the-stroller-soft-and-cozy blanket, the wrap-the-baby-up-to-sleep blanket (in several sizes), and the keep-the-baby-warm-while-walking blanket. On top of this, she’s got a bunch of non-hand-made flannel blankets for warmth, propping, and drool protection.
Here’s the latest addition. Ruby seems to like it.