We took Ruby to her first Mariners game on Friday night, to celebrate my dad’s birthday. (True to form, the M’s lost.) Ruby was a hit among the fans around us, and was happy and alert through a lot of the game. I fed her in the “family restroom”, which was basically a single-room restroom that had a chair and a changing table. I was glad it was there, even if it was still a grody stadium bathroom. Sadly, I left our changing pad in there. I’m hoping to get it back from Lost and Found.
Since Ruby was born, Steve and I have both had the same waking dream many times… We’ll wake up halfway, and in a half-asleep state will start anxiously pawing through the blankets looking for Ruby (who is actually sleeping happily in her co-sleeper). Somehow, though, both of our new-parent brains keep getting fooled by blanket piles.
Ruby’s newest trick is standing up. She’ll hold her own weight on her legs for several minutes if you hold her armpits and help her balance. Not only that, but she loves it. She’ll smile and chatter as she wiggles her hips back and forth.
Breastfeeding has finally become easy and routine (thank goodness). Ruby has gotten much more efficient, too, so feedings rarely take longer than 20 minutes total now. (She took 45-60 minutes as a newborn, and about 30 minutes for several weeks after that.)
This week, we acquired a bunch of new furniture, which was exciting. We got a new custom bookcase, a crib, an Adirondack loveseat for the porch, and a set of kids’ Adirondack furniture. All but the bookcase were great deals, too. Getting the crib spurred me to finally finish setting up our top floor, so we now have a guest room and Ruby’s nursery. That was a great thing to accomplish. Next job: organize the basement, which now contains much of the crap from upstairs.
We had some store credit to a kids’ boutique, so we got to do a little shopping for fancy outfits for Ruby. Many of her clothes are hand-me-downs, which we LOVE, but it’s nice to have a few cute outfits too. I’ll try to get some pictures up eventually.