Except for last night, Ruby has continued her run of restful nights, which makes for happy parents. She seems to be developing her communication skills by leaps and bounds, and will wake up most days with a new sound to try. She now often “chatters” – making varied nonsense noises, probably in an attempt to tell us something we don't understand.
One thing I have learned to understand, though, is what she says when she's hungry. We noticed it at first because it sounds like she's saying “I'm gay!” and that made us chuckle. Because it was a distinctive sound, I noticed when she made it, and realized it's only when she's due for a meal. Now, when she says it, I hear “hun-GRY!”
Ruby is also becoming more smiley. It's still not as common as it'll get (only about 4-6 a day), but we catch more and more. Each one is a reward, even if she's smiling at the ceiling rather than us.